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Pasco Posse

What is the Pasco Posse?

Mission of the Pasco Posse:
Members of the Chamber and business based people who can be the “face of the Chamber” and help other businesses in the community. A group to rally when other businesses are in need.

What does the Posse do?
The Pasco Posse are Representatives of the Pasco Chamber at:

Ribbon Cuttings
Networking Events
“Pasco Posse Round-Ups”
Community Events
Monthly Membership Luncheons

Pasco Posse Round Ups! What Are They Exactly?
After-Hours Networking events that are held at businesses. The goal is for business owners to meet and greet in a more casual setting.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a member of the Pasco Posse?

“You gotta be the meanest, roughest, toughest hombres that ever crossed the Rio Grande, and we ain’t no namby-bambies!”

Join the Pasco Posse by filling out the application below!

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Past Posse Events

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