Champions of Ag
The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is the Champion of Ag! Here's why:
The Pasco Chamber advocates on behalf of our agriculture community through various issues listed below, and we do this because we understand the impact that the ag industry makes on our region. It’s huge, and so we fight for those farming families and ag businesses.
- Lower Snake River Dam
- Requesting Army Corp Hearing in Pasco
- Multiple Congressional Field Hearings
- White Bluffs Bladderpod ESA Listing
- Immigration
- Trade
- Keep Washington Competitive
- Opposition to Initiative 943 (WA Energy Independence Act), Opposition to I-732 Carbon Tax, Opposition to I-522 GMO Initiative, I-1634 support of banning sales tax on food, Opposition to legislation for Low Carbon Fuel Standards, Fish Consumption rule-making, Support Millenium Bulk Terminal, Support of HR 3144 to codify Snake River Dams BiOp, Support of transportation package.

We believe that education in agriculture is crucial to the future of the industry and that’s why we have made efforts to support and participate in youth ag programs, as well as encourage students to pursue careers in ag.
- Lyle Holt Scholarship Foundation
- Cultivating Our Future Grant Foundation
- New Horizons FFA & PEAK Partnership
Finally, we recognize the importance of bringing the community together with agriculture focused events to strengthen the connection between the agriculture industry and the consumers who depend on it.
- RiverFest - Our Rivers, Our Way of Life
- Ag Hall of Fame
- CrawFest
- School Supplies Drive

If you’d like to get involved, or have questions about how the Pasco Chamber advocates for agriculture, please call us at 509-547-9755, or by email at [email protected].