RiverFest 2024 Re-Cap
Visit riverfestwa.com to see all the photos from this year’s event!
Businesses, community organizations and people of all walks of life throughout the region have joined together to host RiverFest 2024. RiverFest is a FREE, fun, and educational family event, featuring exhibitors, vendors, and entertainment to showcase all the benefits of the Federal Columbia River Power System and highlight the four lower Snake River dams including navigation, irrigation, recreation and power. People of all ages will find something fun to do and learn about at RiverFest!
RiverFest 2024 is in the books and we were blown away by the support and attendance of the event. It seemed that everyone was having the best time in the park and nearly all of the feedback that we received was positive and encouraging! An event of this magnitude required many hours of planning and many many hands to execute it. Thank you to all who sponsored, exhibited, volunteered, and attended! You each played a role in making the event a success. We are already working on details for RiverFest 2025! #RiverFest2024TC #DamProud
RiverFest 2024 Event Sponsors & Community Partners